An Unwelcome Return.

This is a short story I wrote at a writer’s retreat last summer.

Kelly Henderson gazed absentmindedly out of the window, ignoring the beauty before her while exerting pent-up energy to kneed yet another batch of bread dough. Focusing on her work, she willed anger and frustration away. She couldn’t afford to question the daily grind of her drab existence.
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Take the next Step.

In Exodus 14, we read the miraculous account of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea on dry ground, when God literally parted the waters, making a path through the centre. Having used ten plagues to free his people from Egyptian slavery, God led them to the seashore. He also allowed the Egyptians to follow. The Israelites were trapped, with the sea before them, and Egypt closing in behind. No wonder they were scared. However, in verses 13-14, Moses says, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” Easier said than done, I imagine. Although they’d already witnessed God’s power through the plagues and their miraculous escape from their captors, the people were surely scared.
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