You lead me in the stillness.
When I look into the storm.
You lead me in the quiet.
And lift my weary soul.
You deserve all of my worship.
To you alone honour is due.
You deserve all of the glory.
And nothing in this world rivals you.
You lead me in the darkness.
Your light is always breaking through.
You are with me in the battle.
My armour made by you.
You deserve, …
There is nothing. There is no one. That is worth more than you.
Only one God, can redeem us. Only one that is true.
There is nothing. There is no one. That is worth more than you.
Only one God, can redeem us. Only one that is true.
You deserve, …
And nothing in this world rivals you.
And nothing in this world rivals you.
My thoughts.
1Kings 19 is the amazing story of how God revealed himself to a rather depressed and forlorn Elijah, not through the huge manifestations of power we might expect like wind or fire, but rather in the stillness of a gentle whisper. I think we often make the mistake of expecting god to show up in the big things, whereas he just wants to whisper his truths into our hearts. However, in order to hear him, we have to practice being still.
When I am stressed I rush around filling up my life and my mind so I don’t have time to think, but I am learning that when I’m looking into the storm, God wants to lead me in the stillness and quiet.
The chorus is a reminder that the Lord alone deserves our worship. He is the only one worthy of honour and praise. However, it’s the final line that grabbed me and made this song become a firm favourite, even though initially , I misheard it. I thought it was saying: “And nothing in this world rattles you”, when, in fact, the word is “Rivals”. I still like my version better. It’s true that nothing rivals the Lord, but it’s also true that I get rattled about so many things. however, nothing takes God by surprise. Here I find the contrast between my chaotic rushing around trying to fix things, and him quietly waiting for me to come to him, because he’s had the answers all along.