The news came to Jesus: “Please, come fast.”
Lazarus is sick, and without your help, he will not last.”
Mary and Martha, watched their brother die.
They waited for Jesus. He did not come, and they wondered why.
The death watch was over; buried 4 days.
Somebody said: “He’ll soon be here! The Lord’s on his way!”
Martha ran to him, and then she cried:
“Lord if you had been here, you could have healed him. He’d still be alive!
But you’re four days late, and all hope is gone.
Lord, we don’t understand why you’ve waited so long!”
But his way is God’s way, not yours or mine.
And isn’t it great, when he’s 4 days late, he’s still on time.
Jesus said: “Martha, show me the grave.”
But she said: “Lord, you don’t understand; he’s been there 4 days!”
The gravestone was rolled back, then Jesus cried:
“Lazarus come forth!” Then somebody said: “He’s alive! He’s alive!”
You may be fighting, a battle of fear.
You’ve cried to the Lord: “I need you now!” but he has not appeared.
Friend don’t be discouraged, ‘cos he’s still the same.
He’ll soon be here. He’ll roll back the stone, and he’ll call out your name!
When he’s 4 days late, and all hope is gone:
“Lord we don’t understand why you’ve waited so long!”
But his way is God’s way, not yours or mine.
And isn’t it great, when he’s 4 days late, he’s still on time!
My God is great! When he’s 4 days late, he’s still on time!
My Thoughts.
I’ve chosen to share this song because it was the source of one of God’s words of confirmation that my dad would be saved. I remember being very low one day when I knew there was unlikely to be a cure this side of eternity, and trying to lift my spirits by listening to Christian music. I could identify with the cries of Lazarus’s family: “Lord, we don’t understand why you’ve waited so long!” We had prayed and begged for many years for Dad’s salvation without seeing a breakthrough. But the answer came: “But his ways are God’s ways, not yours or mine.” We have to accept that his ways are higher than our ways, and his thoughts higher than our thoughts. (Isaiah 55: 8-9.) Then finally, I heard the words: “But isn’t it great! When he’s 4 days late, he’s still on time!” I knew the Holy Spirit was speaking into my heart, and telling me Dad would be saved, right at the end. It would appear that God was late, but I would realise he’s still on time.
In the case of Lazarus, he was raised from the dead, and his family welcomed him back into their home. It was an incredible miracle. However, many of us identify more with the last part of the song, as we fight a battle of fear, depression, or seemingly unanswered prayer. I pray anyone struggling today will find this song as uplifting as I always have.