Comments on: Socially Distant, But Closer Than Ever Wed, 05 Aug 2020 07:12:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: PETER NORRIS Wed, 05 Aug 2020 07:12:46 +0000 A very honest look at social distancing, one of the blessings to me was when we were actually able to meet up with our christian family… Perhaps it is sensible at present not for big hugs but even a hand on a shoulder can be very reassuring. A question that has been going through my mind is in what or who are we putting our trust in. Why are we so fearful of this virus.? be sensible yes however when we trust in God he takes away fear. The phrase what would Jesus do comes to mind did he not reach out to people and even touch a leper. Let us not be silly but trust in God.
Feel free to pass it on if you wish.
