worship http://worshipunlimitedministries.org Tue, 04 Dec 2018 19:56:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 Is Worship Really Unlimited? http://worshipunlimitedministries.org/is-worship-really-unlimited/ http://worshipunlimitedministries.org/is-worship-really-unlimited/#comments Mon, 12 Nov 2018 18:34:20 +0000 http://worshipunlimitedministries.org/?p=151 Continue reading "Is Worship Really Unlimited?"]]> When I began broadcasting in 2011, I had 2 goals in mind. First, I wanted everything I said and every tune I played to advance and carry the Gospel message. Secondly, I wanted the radio show to appeal to as many different people’s musical tastes as possible. Thus, when seeking a name for the program, my good friend Bruce came up with the title Worship Unlimited. Little did I know back then how much significance that name would have.

For many years, I have been exposed to the problem of listening to Christians argue over worship styles. For some, it isn’t worship unless you sing a good old hymn such as Great Is Thy Faithfulness or How Great Thou art. Yet, for many amongst the younger generation, those hymns seem outdated, and the language somewhat archaic. They want something they can dance around to – something that relates to the kind of music they were listening to before they became Christians. So, they choose bands such as Casting Crowns or MercyMe. The same song that touches one person’s heart and moves them to tears can seem irrelevant, and even unholy, to another.

Much discussion time is given to the “Worship” at our churches. Does it appeal to people of all ages, and from all spheres of life? Is it relevant? The danger in all this is that we can limit the idea of worship to just singing and music, and miss out on the broader spectrum of the word. Maybe, if we thought a little more about the true meaning of Worship”, we would be less concerned about the music, and more concerned with the one we are worshipping.

I was once told that worshiping someone means ascribing worth to that person. In other words, we are showing them how valuable they are to us, or how much we love and admire them. There is surely no one more worthy of our love, admiration, and even adoration than the Lord Jesus.

When God called me to expand my own ministry from just the radio show to creating this website, he began showing me just how unlimited our worship should be, and that everything we do in our lives can be done as an act of worship. Psalm 113 verse 3 reminds us that “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.” How can we truly ensure that we are praising his name from morning until night? He surely doesn’t expect us to sing all day!

As I have gone forward in my Christian walk, I have begun to see my whole life as worship, as long as I truly dedicate myself to serving my Lord all day long. Even my housework can be an act of worship, because Jesus blessed me with my home, and has given me the strength and health to do all that is needed to wash dishes, vacuum, dust, etc. Also, if our Spirits are in tune with the Lord, he may bring people’s names into our minds as we go about our everyday tasks, and prompt us to pray for them.

Worship should never be limited to a specific time, place, or event. Remember, our heavenly Father is far too great and mighty to be placed in a man-made box. If you feel you can’t worship him by singing, then maybe cooking is your thing, and you can worship Jesus by preparing a tasty meal for family, friends, or someone in need. That’s why I included a recipe page in this website.

Never forget that Jesus wants us to be communicating with him all the day long. He told the woman at the well that the true worshipers worship him in Spirit and in Truth. That means having the eyes of our heart wide open, and our spirits tuned in to his Holy Spirit of truth, so he can direct us throughout our days. As we are” told in Colossians 3 verse 23, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”

So, in creating this website, I pray that we will explore the many ways in which we can worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I wrote the following poem earlier this year.

When I rise to greet the morning, may my first thought be of you.
May your love be at the heart of all I plan, and all I do.
And as I hear the birdsong of another dawning day,
May my praises rise to heaven as I make the time to pray.
And as my day gets busy; endless things to say and do,
Though you bid me care for others, may I never neglect you.
For its your love I should carry; it is your light I must shine.
And as the moon reflects the sun, I need your strength, not mine.
For I am weak without you, and susceptible to sin.
My human love has limits. Self-life rises from within.
I soon become impatient! “Lord, I can’t take anymore!”
My thoughts consumed by “Me” and “I”, in frustration, slam the door.
The day is getting darker. It is time to rest my head.
But may my last thought be of you as I lie safe in bed,
Thinking back upon my day – its failures and success.
And yet no glory of my own to claim; just your great name to bless.

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