Waiting for Christmas Music

One of my earliest memories is of waking up one December morning to a cacophony of unidentifiably loud sounds. Being only two or three years old at the time, I was bemused and a little scared until my mother explained it was the Salvation Army band playing carols whilst marching up the street. She carried me downstairs where a warming fire blazed, and the music changed from loud and scary to beautiful and melodic.

It doesn’t feel like Christmas unless I hear a brass band, even if it’s only on a digital recording. I also love carols sung by choirs, along with the more modern festive music. Some of the secular tunes about Santa and snow might seem tacky, but it takes me back to my childhood. One of the highlights of my year is the Christmas service at church, where we sing carols by the light of hundreds of tealights and listen to the well-loved Scriptures about Christ’s birth. The old blends with the new as we focus on the wonder of the songs and readings. Some of the best modern Christmas songs don’t just highlight the baby in the manger. They also tell us why he came.

Since we’re discussing music today, I thought I’d share not just one, but a few of my favourites. The Bible constantly tells us to sing and rejoice, so perhaps these songs will inspire you.


Thank you, Father, for the gift of music. As we sing the beautiful Christmas songs about your birth, may we take time to focus on the words and the wonder of their meaning.


This one from Graham Kendrick is my absolute favourite.

And what about the words of this thought-provoking song!

And now for a bit of country.

And something modern but beautiful from Casting Crowns.

And of course, the best-loved carol of them all.

I could go on sharing forever, but I’ll stop here and let you find a few favourites of your own.

Scriptures to Ponder
Psalm 95: 1: “Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.”
Colossians 3: 16: “Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.”