Waiting for Gifts

I am a person for whom sleep has never come easily. My mother despaired of me for my first five years because I didn’t seem to need much rest. Perhaps I had an over-active imagination. It certainly went into overdrive on Christmas Eve, when I lay in bed waiting to hear sleigh bells or the clatter of reindeer on the roof.

As much as I wanted to stay awake, I also knew I had to sleep. If I didn’t, Santa wouldn’t come and there’d be no presents to open in the morning. So eventually, somewhere in the early hours, I drifted off with my stocking still empty, only to wake before dawn to find it miraculously filled. How did that happen?

Now let’s be honest. It’s not just children who get excited about gifts. Or am I the only woman past forty who still loves a surprise? One year, my husband proudly announced he’d bought me a small edible device. I racked my brain. It didn’t make sense. Devices aren’t edible. It turned out to be an iPod Nano. It’s definitely small, and since it was made by Apple, I suppose you could argue that’s the edible part of the clue. I still treasure it, and we’ve laughed over my puzzlement ever since.

Why do we give gifts at Christmas? I believe it is an acknowledgement of the greatest gift of all. The gift of Jesus was much more exciting than my iPod. It came to entertain me with music. He came to die for my sin and give me eternal life. One day, the iPod will stop working. It’s already failing because it’s almost eight years old and has been replaced with more sophisticated technology. Yet Jesus will never wear out, become outdated, or grow old. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever – as relevant now as on the day he was born. The love he offers is the gift that keeps on giving, so hold out your arms, open your heart, and accept the giver and his gift.


Lord Jesus, as we prepare to give and receive gifts on Christmas morning, may we remember that we do this to celebrate and remember you, the greatest gift of all.

Song: The giver and the gift by Point of Grace

Scriptures to Ponder

2Corinthians 9: 15: “Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words!”
Ephesians 2: 8: “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.”