God Wants Our Gratitude, Not Our Sacrifices.

I was recently struck by a couple of verses from Psalm 50. “Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God and keep the vows you made to the Most High. Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.” (Psalm 50: 14-15.)
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Discipline Is Not A Negative Word

During my growing up years, I’m ashamed to admit that I went through a phase of wishing I could swap mothers with my best friend. It’s laughable now, but I was convinced my mother loved my friend more and would prefer to have her as her daughter. My reasoning behind this was that whenever she came to our house, my mother was loving, kind and gentle, whereas I often got yelled at, and it sometimes felt as though nothing I did was good enough. Of course, I now understand that it wasn’t Mam’s place to train and nurture my friends. They had their own parents to discipline and guide them, but she wanted to do her best by me, and sometimes, that meant correcting, training, and rebuking. The correction came from a bigger heart than I appreciated during those years. Yet I now understand and appreciate the love behind every rebuke, harsh word, or corrective act, and I’m grateful for a parent who loved me enough to discipline me.
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A Path Of Peace.

In 2014, BBC Radio 4 began an audio drama series about the First World War that ran for about 4 years. While listening, I found it very interesting to learn about life when the war started in 1914. In many ways, it was a different world from the one we live in today, and I’m pretty sure 2 world wars contributed to many of those differences.
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Jesus – The One Who Always Was, Part 2.

In this 2-part series, we are discussing the fact that Jesus’ birth as a human baby in Bethlehem was not the beginning of his story as recorded in the Bible. Rather, this was the point at which God became flesh. Yet Jesus had always existed, even before creation itself. In part 1, we looked at a couple of his preincarnate appearances – when he physically visited Abraham and Jacob, speaking to them, and interacting in their lives. In fact, we could spend all day in the first book of the Bible alone and see Jesus everywhere. The Bible is his story, and we will find him on every page if we choose to look hard enough.
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