Learning From leah.

Leah had never truly been loved. It pains me to write those words, because I grew up in a family where I felt safe, valued and appreciated. Yet this Bible character whose story seems to be often overlooked clearly enjoyed none of those privileges. She was the eldest of two sisters, and the daughter of Laban, the brother of Abraham’s wife Rebekah.
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There Is Always More.

I have always openly admitted that my favourite book of the Bible is the gospel of John. For me, there are so many incredibly special moments in John’s account of the life of Christ, but none more so than the way in which the apostle ends his writings. Having detailed Jesus’ death and resurrection and the way he appeared to the disciples to prove he was alive, John wraps it all up by saying: “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” (John 21: 25.) So you mean there was more?
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