Be Ready By Living It Out.

I am writing this in the midst of the lockdown here in the UK, caused by the outbreak of the Coronavirus. Many people are afraid as the death toll all over the world rises, and some Christians are asking whether this has anything to do with end time prophecies. The truth is that I can’t answer that question, and I feel it would be wrong for me to even try. We know the world is getting darker. There have been famines and earthquakes in various places as the Bible predicts, and sadly, many people still do not wish to turn to Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. I pray that in these difficult times more people will recognise that the things relied upon for security by many and which are now under threat, such as jobs, finances, homes, and so on, are nothing in the light of where we are going to spend eternity.

This morning, I was reading from Luke 12, starting at verse 35. In my Bible, there is a heading that says, “Be ready for the Lord’s coming.” Here, Jesus takes great pains to instruct his followers about being ready, because his return could happen at any time. In verse 37, he says: “The Servants who are ready and waiting for his return will be rewarded. I tell you the truth, he himself will seat then, put on an apron, and serve them as they sit and eat.” That’s quite an image. Jesus is the one worthy of praise and service, and yet here he promises to serve us. he loves turning the tables on the natural order of things.

It seems that they important thing is being ready. many people down the ages have predicted dates and times of Jesus’ return, and as each of those predicted dates has come and gone, some have become more cynical, perhaps seeing his return as a fable Christians have invented to make us all feel better. However, I firmly believe that every scripture is God breathed, and that includes the parts that talk about his coming. So, I want to be ready, so that when he comes, he will find me faithful. I know I sin on a regular basis, but my desire is to keep short accounts with my Saviour, and deal with things quickly, before they fester and grow out of control.

Going back to Luke 12, when Jesus had finished speaking about being ready for his return, peter asked: ‘Lord, is that illustration just for us, or for everyone?” (Verse 41.). In other words, Peter wanted to know whether Jesus was differentiating between believers and nonbelievers. Jesus’ response is very telling, and it is what inspired me to share these thoughts.

Jesus gives an illustration of a faithful responsible servant, who has oversight over all his other servants. “If the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job, there will be a reward. I tell you the truth, the master will put that servant in charge of all he owns. But what if the servant thinks, ‘My master won’t be back for a while,’ and he begins beating the other servants, partying, and getting drunk. The master will return unannounced and unexpected, and he will cut the servant in pieces and banish him with the unfaithful. And a servant who knows what the master wants, but isn’t prepared and doesn’t carry out those instructions, will be severely punished. But someone who does not know, and then does something wrong, will be punished only lightly. When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been intrusted with much, even more will be required. (Luke 12: 43-48.)

As I read these verses, my heart’s yearning is to be seen by the Lord as one of his faithful, responsible servants. He has given me such a wonderful gift in revealing himself to me since my earliest childhood. I cannot remember a time when I didn’t believe in Jesus as my Saviour. he has cared for me faithfully all my life and brought me through my fair share of dark storms. I would say I am one to whom a lot has been given, and therefore, I have a responsibility to manifest Jesus in the lives of others. If I begin mistreating my fellow brothers and sisters, or those who don’t yet know him, I should expect to be punished. I feel a responsibility to believers and non-believers alike.

There are those today, as we’ve already said, who are mocking his return, and carrying on as though Jesus doesn’t exist. Sadly, some have turned their backs on the faith they once knew and are now denying their Saviour. It is a sad witness when a person who once talked of Jesus with love and respect now talks of him with distain.

Even those of us who still profess our faith can easily become lapse and start letting things creep into our lives which go against scripture. We make excuses for our bad habits or wrongful attitudes, saying we’re only human, but all the while, people are watching, and seeing us as bad ambassadors for our heavenly king. For many, all they will see of Jesus is what they see in us. They are not ready to read his word, but if our witness is clear and uncompromised, they will hopefully want to seek him for themselves.

We can’t rest on our laurels once we become Christians. although we know salvation is a free gift, it was bought with a high price. In these times of fear and confusion, we have a message to proclaim, and we need to be doing so loud and clear. If God’s church isn’t sharing a message of love and hope, then who will? No matter how long our countries are in lockdown and this dreadful virus rages all around us, the message of the gospel doesn’t change. At a time when people are feeling vulnerable, we can show a strength that comes from above.

I believe these are critical times, during which Jesus is looking for the faithful servants to whom much has been given we just read about to rise up and proclaim the good news. So, let’s take a moment to examine ourselves, and ask Jesus to help us put right anything in our lives that stands as a hindrance to us being faithfully used by him, as we encourage fellow believers who might be feeling weak and fearful, and proclaim the good news to those who don’t yet know him.