The Only Way.

Dare I admit that I’m the type of person who always likes having answers? I want to know the correct way of doing a job so I can do it to the best of my ability.

To give you an example, in 2014, my husband and I embarked upon what we perceived as the great challenge of cooking our first ever Christmas dinner for a few close family members. Now, don’t think we had spent our entire married lives up to this point eating only take-aways, because I can assure you we hadn’t. We had cooked before, but there was one thing we had always shied away from, and that was making gravy. We’d had a go at the instant stuff. You know, the kind where you just pour boiling water onto the granules, give it a stir, and hey presto, you have gravy! Except it’s nowhere near as nice as real gravy, made from the meat juices. You simply can’t have Christmas dinner without real gravy.

So, in my efforts to make the best gravy possible, I sought advice, and I suppose that was my downfall. I asked several friends how they made the perfect gravy, and predictably, I had different answers from each of them. It seemed everyone had their own method. But which should I use? I can laugh about it now, but I ended up buying the ingredients for every method I’d had explained, so when the big day came, we had lots of options. Good idea, I hear you say. Oh no! Bad idea for someone who likes to know the definitive correct way to get the task done, so she can throw herself into getting it right. We made the gravy, and it was edible, but we didn’t make enough. We were too busy debating which method to use and ended up getting ourselves a little confused and frazzled.

I think life can sometimes be like my gravy. When we’re presented with numerous options, we pontificate over which to choose, and we sometimes spend so much time deciding that we never make the vital decision.

I’m so glad that with my faith, there is only one choice, because there is only one God. So the choice is clear; either we accept him or reject him. Either we embrace the fact that he sent his one and only son into this sin-sick world to die on a cross and precure our salvation, or we live our lives as though he doesn’t exist. There’s only one problem with that; he does exist, and one day, we will all be answerable to him.

I’m so glad I know the one true God as my saviour and friend. I’m thrilled that although I may get confused over life decisions like how to make good gravy, my eternal fate was decided from my earliest childhood.

As we head into this advent season, let’s embrace the one true God. Advent is a time of waiting and expectancy. It has far more to offer than the anticipation of gifts on Christmas morning. If we open up our hearts, we can accept the greatest gift of all, and we don’t have to wait another 24 days to receive it.

When Jesus was about to give his life on the cross, he assured his disciples in John 14 that they knew the way to where he was going, but Thomas wasn’t sure, so he asked how they could know the way when they didn’t even know where Jesus was going. Jesus replied with his famous words in verse 6: “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

you can ask Jesus into your heart right now. There is only one way, just as there is only one God, and that way is through Jesus.