A Friend In The Midst Of Our Pain.

What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear,
What a privilege to carry,
Everything to God in prayer
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry,
Everything to God in prayer.
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A Call To Persevere

Have you ever started a Bible in a year with great enthusiasm in January, determined to drink in every detail of the scriptures, only to find in June or July that you are skimming over the words on the page without taking much in? Do you wonder why there are days when the Bible seems so full of meat, but there are other times when it seems like a dry and tasteless crust?
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Do You Have Enough Faith To Trust god? By Pastor Peter Norris

The topic for my devotional this time is, “Do you have enough faith to trust God?” If God were to ask you to do something that seemed immensely risky and seemingly contrary to what he had promised you, would you have enough faith, and believe in him to work it out?
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A Truly Beautiful Healing.

He followed the same routine every day. His friends helped him get ready, and then they carried him here, to the temple, where they left him beside the gate called Beautiful, just in time for the three o’clock prayer service. It was the most sensible hour to come, because surely those moved to pray would have generous hearts and something to spare, even if it was just a few measly coins.
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The Qualities of A King.

Here in the UK, we have just celebrated our queen’s Platinum Jubilee, meaning queen Elizabeth II has been on the throne for seventy years. That’s a long time, and as we’ve heard on countless occasions, she has witnessed more changes than any other monarch before her. While I am by no means a royalist, I believe the Bible tells us to treat our leaders with respect, and I cannot but respect a lady who has worked tirelessly for so many decades despite some very personal and public tragedies.
Continue reading “The Qualities of A King.”