When I first saw the title of Rachel Yarworth’s book, I automatically thought about Abraham. he is named God’s friend on more than one occasion in both the Old and new Testaments. Our view of the Almighty can often be that of a high and lofty figure, far above us in every way, but although there is some truth in this, we also have the amazing privilege of calling him our friend. Rachel captures this beautifully in her book, which is more than worthy of its title.
Friend of God gives us a glimpse into the journey of a woman who has experienced the joys and sorrows of a life lived hand in hand with her Saviour. From the significant moment when the young Rachel first invited Jesus to be her friend, to the loss of her earthly father many years later, the author writes with raw honesty and holds nothing back.
This is not one of those trite books promising a Christian life full of sunshine and roses. Rachel has suffered infertility, loss, lack of self-worth, and many other dark experiences and emotions, but the one constant in her life was her friendship with God.
Like the great patriarch of the Jewish faith, Rachel was called away from the familiar and safe to ministry in an unknown place. She was certain God had promised to bless her with a family, and she held onto that promise even when it seemed to be an impossibility. Also, like Abraham, Rachel’s own faith was tested multiple times. She has seen spectacular miracles and faced disappointments. Some prayers were answered, and others were not, but God’s friendship remained.
As in all human friendships, there have been close times coupled with seasons when God felt distant, but Rachel held onto what she knew to be true. She has a strong belief that there is more to the Christian walk than just mundane weekly church attendance. She believes in exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit and hears from god as he directs her on life’s journey.
Rachel Yarworth may be an ordinary woman, but her miraculous life has been shaped and coloured by her friendship with a miracle-working, extraordinary God. I highly recommend this book. It is easy to read and totally relatable, and will definitely leave the reader hungry for more. If you are struggling along your faith journey, let Rachel’s story encourage you to deepen your own friendship with the one who sticks closer than a brother.
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