Beckett Walsh’s self-limited world revolves around her father’s farm and their love of bees. Callie Peterson’s life has been turned upside down by an unstable alcoholic mother. However, one man’s death brings these two women together in an unexpected way. Secrets long buried are slowly unravelled, catapulting them into an uncertain future.
Amanda cox has done a brilliant job with this novel. It is a total page-turner, keeping the reader engaged from start to finish. It is full of wonderful redemptive imagery, and clearly points at our Saviour. I also learned a lot about bee keeping, which is something I have never been interested in before.
I empathised with the two main characters, intermittently rooting for them, then wanting to bang their heads together as they suffered their misunderstandings. I also appreciated the way in which cox dealt with addiction and mental illness. She took a real, non-romantic approach, laying it bare in all its ugly truth, yet showing there is always hope in Jesus.
What should he have told the bees? I encourage you to read and find out. You won’t be disappointed.