The Jesse Tree Anthology, by Rachel yarworth

At Christmastime, we focus on the baby in the manger, the shepherds, wise men, and the angels singing “Glory in the Highest!” However, many people do not understand the significance of the events that culminated in this most holy night.

In the Jesse Tree Anthology, twenty-five authors collaborate to tell the story of the ancestry of Jesus. Starting with creation and the fall, they lead us through the various incidences and prophecies that prepared for his birth. Each writer has their own unique style, but there is a wonderful sense of unity due to the clear guidelines and prayerful editing given by Rachel Yarworth who headed up the project.

This family-friendly advent devotional contains short reflections, questions to ponder and discuss, prayers, and templates for ornaments to hang on your very own Jesse Tree. These can also be downloaded from Rachel’s website.

As one of the proud contributing authors listed in this book, I can highly recommend the Jesse Tree Anthology, and I pray it will bless individuals and families for many years to come.