With Fresh Eyes: 60 Insights into the Miraculously Ordinary from a Woman Born Blind, by Karen Wingate.

My first introduction to Karen Wingate’s writing came through a Proverbs 31 Ministries devotional. Her words sparked my interest because, like me, Karen has a visual impairment. I loved her down-to-earth writing style. I learned about her book, so looked it up, but felt disappointed to discover it was a collection of devotionals. These types of books rarely grab me, so I added With Fresh Eyes to my wish list, but decided it wouldn’t be a priority.

However, Karen’s book kept popping into my mind, and I realised God wanted me to read it. This feeling became stronger every time I found another of her Proverbs devotionals until I surrendered to my god-nudge. Once I started reading, I couldn’t stop.

These devotionals are unique. Karen starts by explaining “better than ever”, when, after a lifetime of virtual blindness, a doctor performed the surgery that changed everything. Although her vision is still limited, Karen now sees the world through fresh eyes, and we share the wonder of her discoveries through her devotionals.

In this book, you will find a friend eager to take you along on her journey. Your vision may be perfect, but Karen’s word pictures will still have you taking a second or even a third glance at things that have been commonplace all your life. Above all, Karen’s faith and her gratitude to her Heavenly Father are displayed on every page. She served alongside her husband before her surgery, and continues to do so now that life is a little easier. Yet her faith never depended upon her healing.

I cannot recommend this book enough and look forward to reading more from Karen in the future.
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