
Words, By Lou Beard

Two friends, Hannah and Jess, were talking on the phone. Jess was telling Hannah how much pain she was in. Hannah asked whether Jess had spoken to her doctor and Jess replied that she hadn’t. Hannah then asked Jess if she thought she should as she was in so much pain. Jess replied that yes, perhaps she should. The conversation ended and Hannah didn’t hear anything for a few days. Then she heard that Jess was in hospital. Jess said that Hannah had saved her life. Hannah didn’t think that she’d done anything. She’d only asked Jess if she’d spoken to her doctor and indirectly suggested that perhaps she should. That suggestion had given Jess the reassurance and confidence she needed to speak to a doctor, leading her to be taken in to hospital early enough for her life to be saved.
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The 7 Sayings Of Jesus On The Cross

During this past weekend, as I’ve been considering Jesus’ torturous death, and rejoicing over his resurrection on the third day, I came upon a devotional about the 7 sayings of Jesus as he hung on the cross. I’d heard something about this before, but had never quite been able to put it all in order, since each of the 4 gospels adds its own detail to the wider picture. For example, only Luke talks about the repentant thief.
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On The Mountain Of The Lord It Will Be Provided.

Let’s return to the story of Abram. A few weeks back, we left him in the predicament of not being able to father a son by his wife Sarai. Since having a son and heir was vitally important in those days, Sarai had taken things into her own hands, and told her husband to take her Egyptian slave Hagar as his secondary wife. We discussed Sarai’s mistreatment of Hagar when she became pregnant, and how Hagar ran away, to be met by God himself, and told to return to her mistress and be submissive.
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You Don’t Have To Go With The Flow.

I feel we live in a world where people seem to have this inbuilt tendency to follow the crowd. During recent riots, one news reporter was picking people at random, and asking them what they were protesting about. It turned out that a large number of them didn’t even know why they were rioting. They said everyone else seemed to be doing it, so they just joined in. Likewise, if you were to ask a group of brawling men in a pub or club why they’re fighting, I wonder how many of them would actually know.
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he sees You!

Hagar was an Egyptian slave-girl, charged with the responsibility of serving the wife of the wealthy and influential Abraam. She had probably heard tell of how her master was instructed by his God to leave his home and everything that was familiar, and head out on the road to a place he would later reveal. What a step of faith – to up and leave like that, not knowing where he was going.
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I Believe In The Resurrection.

Jeffrey was a good man. Friends spoke highly of him. He had been a loyal and caring son to his mother after his father’s untimely death from a heart attack when he and his twin brother were only 14. He visited her every day, even after his marriage, and ensured she had the best care when she fell victim to a stroke. He loved his wife and children, and when his second child was born blind, he told his distraught son that God had given this baby to their family because he knew they would love and care for her.
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