A Strange Way to Save the World by 4Him


I’m sure he must have been surprised, at where this road had taken him.
‘Cos never in a million lives, would he have dreamed of Bethlehem.
And standing at the manger, he saw with his own eyes, the message from the angel come alive.
And Joseph said: “Why Me? I’m just a simple man of trade.
Why him, with all the rulers in the world?
Why here, inside this stable filled with hay?
Why her? She’s just an ordinary girl.
Now I’m not one to second guess what angels have to say,
But this is such a strange way to save the world.”

To think of how it could have been, if Jesus had come as he deserved.
There would’ve been no Bethlehem, no lowly shepherds at his birth.
But Joseph knew the reason love had to reach so far, and as he held the Saviour in his arms
He must have thought “Why me?” …

My thoughts.

I have always felt that Joseph is one of the characters in the Christmas story who has been sadly neglected. Yet he was most definitely a man of great faith. Still, even those of great faith sometimes have doubts and ask questions. And where better to take those doubts and questions than to the Lord himself?

If Joseph really had said words like those in the song above, I imagine he would have done so during the dark hours when Mary and the newborn baby Jesus were fast asleep. As the man of the family, he probably would have felt a duty to protect them, particularly when they had no real roof over their heads. So, he probably would have stationed himself at the stable door, and talked to his heavenly father as he gazed up into the night sky.

We need to remember that Joseph and Mary were only human beings. They saw just a tiny part of God’s plan, and were still only stabbing in the dark concerning the bigger picture of Jesus’ birth. Being a humble sort of man, Joseph probably would have asked the question: “Why me, Lord?” Did he have moments of fearing his new responsibilities as the earthly father to the son of God would be too much for him?

God’s plan of salvation was indeed a Strange Way to Save The world, but we know it was the right and only way. We have the wonderful advantage of knowing the whole story, and now he is with his glorified Saviour in heaven, Joseph sees it all clearly too.